Sunday, November 8, 2009

Upgrade your memory. It will save you later.

I see this over and over when people complain about their computer/s slowing down. They purchase there computer with a limited amount of software then as they progress through year 1, year 2 etc. they notice that things are running slower and slower. While there are many things that contribute to this I would like to identify on several problems that hopefully the end user can relate to, not enough RAM! As you upgrade your computer from XP to Vista to Windows 7 there is a false assumption by many that there computer is going to run better/faster. Well, maybe so but please read th fine print! As the age of the computer progresses it is very wise to consider the recommended memory requirements for the total of all of the programs you are running. If you are still on a 32 bit platform you are limited to 4GB, however, RAM is cheap! Install as much memory as you can in your computer so when it is time to upgrade your workstation you will not be nickled and dimed by service calls and memory upgrades you could have done to begin with.

Anthony Newman, CEO

Anthony Newman has been in the computer industry for over 15 years and has written many articles on IT infrastructure and business development.

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